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  1. Jim Taylor

    The best I can say is, “Good Luck!” Book publishing is not a happy world these days. It’s in transition from being an essential communication to being an art form, losing the one without having yet gained the other. A lot depends on your definition of your audience. A relatively small, devoted, audience you can reach; a large diverse audience you probably can’t. My friend Ralph Milton once said that the best read book he ever published was done in only six copies — the letters his mother wrote him late in her life, which he gathered and published for members of the family exclusively. In a similar vein, we published a book celebrating a well-loved U of T prof. I estimated the sales at 500 copies. They sold out in a month. The editorial group decided to print another 500 copies. I think they still have over 400. I’m guessing, from what I’ve seen of your writing, that you manage to make a book about writing proposals fairly entertaining. But I’m equally guessing that even if Alexander McColl Smith wrote the text, it would not appeal to an audience beyond those who write proposals for a living. That limits your potential audience.
    Jim T

    1. Isabel Gibson

      Jim – I think you’re right – it will appeal only to (some of) those who do this for a living. But the next one will have a broader reach. That’s my plan. OK, maybe my daydream…

  2. Jim Taylor is right: know your market. When I published my last big one, I estimated no more than 400 people would be interested: most buyers
    are in the book (as contributors of pocket lint and paid for it WAY in advance) and the other buyers wanted more, having read my other books, bless them.
    I have about 50 left. Will not reprint. But I did triple my money on it, in collateral sales of art. 🙂 Plus, for me, if I had any more fun writing a book I’d be dangerous…

    Suspect your book will generate contacts for you, in spades!

    1. Isabel Gibson

      Barbara – A priori, it’s hard to believe that 350 people would be interested in pocket lint – but, of course, they weren’t, really (says me). They were interested in the workings of your brain, with what you would do with such a topic. A much more reliable (and understandable) basis for the connection. Maybe when you finish Vol II of Nebraska by Dummies, you could issue all three as a boxed set. For Christmas giving, you know.

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